
A nation state that denies dignity, integrity and estate security to  their elderly is a country bankrupt or bereft of values.  


UBS (former Union Bank of Switzerland)  has  been a World focus  of controversy resulting in international media attention.  Among other things but not necessary all, UBS has accrued wealth through the theft of  Holocaust victims accounts, art and  gold teeth.  UBS secret Group Executive Board no longer has USA Federally convicted Bernie Madoff as an accomplice.  UBS current mantra is target, solicit, recruit, isolate, control, dupe and loot.   Currently,  secret UBS Swiss Group Executive Board has currently successfully  targeted and looted UBS Puerto RicanClients.   We have a paper trail directly from Chairman Bob Mc Cann’s desk to UBS operatives in Puerto Rico as well as testimony from swindled Clients and UBS personnel. Obama would take no action against UBS.

UBS  successfully continues focusing upon USA elderly  Client asset thefts through UBS   “plate licker” salesmen enticing elderly with a lunch and intimidating solicitations.  Palm Beach Polo and  Miami UBS Basel Art Show  are two honeypot events meant to lure  and target USA elderly.  The elderly are then aggressively  solicited  and recruited by numerous predatory UBS salesmen for the UBS “perfection experience”.   This has caused a  huge transference of wealth from USA elderly to predatory UBS, UBS salesmen as well as collaborating law firms and courts  using these extensive corruptive corroborated practices. Utah Courts have even come up with a booklet displaying graphs of how much has been made off of  USA elderly transported to these Utah USA Federal and State Courts. These swindles are covered by bribes paid to pertinent state and Federal  Court  facilitators to allow UBS  elderly Client  criminal violations through non-compliance of existing USA Federal and state law  (see issues 4 & 5).

Through actual case-by-case studies we will expose the pattern allowing the readership to become alert to the UBS schemes and the intricacies.  This will  enable independent  judgment introspection.  We will give our readership the facts and let them determine what, if anything, can be done.  Some of the substantiated behavior is so egregious we will not  expose it at this time, especially newly minted  UBS Chinese account victims.  We thus will not published all of the evidence,  just enough on USA elderly UBS Client  victims to comprehend scope and depth.  This will keep  to keep it interesting.

We sincerely hope our issues are used by our readership as a tool for victim comprehension, especially UBS elderly victims in denial.  At very least, the readership will become aware of the pattern prevalence so as to take precautions since  USA Federal governmental agencies  are stifled by UBS from taking any fair and equitable action.  Again, we have nothing but the highest respect for USA Federal  personnel with whom we have so far dealt.  Reliable UBS sources say UBS AG Switzerland secret Group Executive Board follows the same UBS Client asset theft  opaque  procedure within the 50 known countries where they do overt business, especially against the elderly.  In actuality, UBS AG covertly operates in every country that has  large concentrations of dirty money in need of laundering or vulnerable elderly citizens.    A reliable UBS source says  the UBS AG Group Executive Board strategy  successfully treats  the USA as it does any third World country criminal business model.   UBS Swiss Group Executive Board  repeatedly uses it’s Washington “get-out-of-jail-free card”  to keep it’s USA Charter while covertly continuing its USA criminal activities.  One instance  UBS AG blatantly bought Senate Banking Chairman Phil Gramm  off the floor of Congress only to show up as UBS Vice Chairman Phil Gramm a few days later.  Gramm was allegedly needed as a Senate dining room fixer, among other things.    The UBS secret Swiss Group Executive Board is currently allegedly grooming  a USA Congressional Banking Comittee Gramm replacement.    We will see how the rigged second Federal trial of Swiss fugitive from USA Justice UBS Chairman Raoul Weil was planned and successfully implemented so that dirty hands UBS can again petition Washington for a USA investment banking charter before Obama leaves USA Presidency.  We  see how UBS compromises USA Federal and State judges as well as manipulate USA courthouse public recorded documents.    These are but a few of the UBS Group Executive Board criminal activities yet to be fully examined and hopefully prosecuted.

USA Federal  and State careerists (GSs) are professional and do a remarkable World enviable job protecting USA citizens,  if allowed.  Political appointees (C5s) attempt to meddle and skew the USA Government by intimidating career employees.   These C5 political appointees are now severely  insinuated within the third tier of USA Federal Government bureaucracy.  Reliable sources have said the resulting USA political corruption initiated by the secret UBS Swiss  Group Executive Board   has become intolerable.  It is said to be directly  interfering with UBS vital interests resulting in breaches of USA national security.   Our impeccable  reliable sources have given us proven instances, especially those within the UBS hierarchy.   USA Federal and State careerists are said to review our issues as a cost effective way of accruing facts on continuing  investigations.  USA Federal careerist personnel moral and confidence  has been categorized  at an all time low.    They want to protect the human rights of USA elderly citizens without fear of retribution from the  secret UBS Swiss Group Executive Board or the likes of UBS Vice Chairman former Senate Banking Chairman Phil Gramm.

Our reliable sources are comfortably secure  for we double check the facts and instances without needing personal exposure.  In one instance we had  a reliable UBS source anonymously signal us from the New York City UBS headquarters window.  The UBS  photo in Issue 3 top reveals the undeniable signal.  Once informed,  the UBS Group Executive Board  internal  “Gestapo” security force started interrogating and  purging the ranks.   In another instance a UBS executive from the same New York UBS Headquarters allegedly issued a email directive down the chain of command saying:  “If anyone talks to  Client —— they will immediately will be terminated.”   UBS controls  personnel through  enforced fear.

Reliable sources have said our information is assisting USA Federal law enforcement in developing cost effective criminal cases against UBS.    How many USA elderly must become UBS Client victims before UBS looses it’s Charter to business within the USA?

By walking the dog backwards,  clarity is becoming apparent on the role both USA President Obama and USA Federal Attorney General Eric Holder have been categorical USA facilitators for the  UBS Swiss secret Group Executive Board.   Again, Obama is not the first President nor will he be the last to manipulate through the use of implanted C5 political appointees within the Justice Department and IRS to Presidential donors advantage.  It is just that the Obama/Holder team are so overtly blatant. You have Obama pictured driving his bundler UBS Chairman Robert Wolf around in a golf cart.   Holder/Breuer personally say in media there will be no investigation/prosecution of UBS. USA First Lady Michelle is pictured mothering a Boston Marathon Saudi suspect in his hospital bed while slightly wounded Abdul Al Harbi’s Saudi buddies take pictures of Michelle, Abdul and Michelle’s aid Bobby Shmuck. All the while Michelle ignores the legless amputee victims in other nearby hospitals ( see issues 41 & 42).  USA Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife are  internationally televised  sneaking back into the White House French state dinner  receiving line ostensibly for more World TV exposure.   This could never be choreographed because no one on  planet Earth would believe the truth.   Mind you, President Obama is but  one in a growing list of recent USA Presidents that have used their power to enhance their personal retirement wealth by selling agendas to the likes of UBS for post Presidency IOU collection.  This is done through speakers fees, private consultations, glad handing visibility  events, ad nausea.  Bill Clinton has been the most successful at using the Swiss secret Presidental Library+ offshore accounts.  How many hours have been personally spent by prior USA Presidents continuing to sift through Presidential Library government owned documents illegally purging the compromised truth.   We will see UBS donations are bipartisan.  UBS AG must loose their USA Charter else more Washington key figures will be recruited by UBS copycats.


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