issue 04

USA HEIRESS & INTERNATIONAL SOCIALITE EUNICE GARDINER’S BODY DISAPPEARS IN UBS SALESMAN’S CUSTODY! reports:  “Eunice’s UBS salesman had somehow obtained absolute  control over UBS Client Eunice Gardiner’s body before and after her death.   According to the Quattelbaum Funeral Home spokesperson, the  corpse was shipped to New York at the authorization of Eunice’s UBS salesman but something happened to it somewhere.    An investigator has said it disappeared for up to six months.  No independent party has been able to find out where the Eunice corpse was during that interval of time.  We do know UBS/Gunster  allegedly feared exposure of any  Episcopal Church intercession into their scheme. Her friends have said  that Eunice had a reliquary next to her bed during her waining years.   We do know Eunice emphatically wished to be buried within the Palm Beach Bethesda Episcopal Church columbarium with a substantial bequeath given to the Church.  Upon several occasions Mallard took Eunice over to walk in contentment through the Church gardens and look at the columbarium.  She frequently said she would lay in repose at Bethesda Church forever near her friends.   We do know the Church was allegedly cut out of Eunice’s new will favoring UBS, Eunice’s UBS salesman Mahoney and Eunice’s initial controversial wills/trusts lawyer Hanley of Gunster Yoakley.” D1  There are ghoulish rumors now being bandied about in Palm Beach, Florida as to what somebody was  doing with Eunice’s body during that interval of disappearance.   Others were initially told she moved to Coronado, California.   Still others are wondering if Eunice Gardiner’s body is in fact buried under the small plaque in Easthampton.







Eunice Gardiner’s inconspicuous flat plaque to the left allegedly noting her grave as Joyce.  She never used the name Joyce on any documents until the perpetrators started using it.   No one knew who Joyce was  but for the perpetrators, not even her family.  We do know her family has noted a letter P on her birth certificate.  The body may have to be dug up to see if it is in fact Eunice Gardiner.


Wall Street Journal reports: “The fleecing of older Americans is becoming an epidemic.  People 60 years and older made up 26% of all fraud complaints tracked by the (USA) Federal Trade Commission … One in every five Americans age 65 or older has been abused financially …  The ability to recognize fraud can fade with aging, even among people without dementia, research shows. … Only 10% of such frauds are reported, investigators estimate.  Older people often fear losing their independence if their children find out.  Most reported cases aren’t even investigated. … It is no secret that we have to prioritize our cases,’ says Supervisory Special Agent David Nanz, who overseas corporate and securities-fraud investigations in the FBI’s Miami office. … There can be little concrete evidence, and alleged scammers claim money was given to them freely or losses were legitimate. … (USA) Federal authorities often decline to investigate cases involving less than $100,000.” D2   We have reported UBS criminal violations but nothing can be done to save UBS Client victims when the US Attorney General Eric Holder has given UBS and it’s associates immunity from investigation/prosecution (see issue 1), for something.  We  are telling our readership to reach out to specific entities within US Congress and their States.    We must terminate the UBS Charter to do business within the US.  These UBS criminal violations   cannot continue against  US elderly citizens.


Public Record reports: “Weil (UBS USA Chairman), who turned 49 on the same day he was indicted, referred to the bank’s cross-border private banking business as ‘toxic waste’ because [Weil and the un-indicted co-conspirators] knew that it was not being conducted in a manner that complied with United States law.” D3   During this time UBS unilaterally created secret offshore UBS AG accounts in a Florida senior citizen Client’s name and allegedly siphoned Client assets. We see a Florida senior citizen subjected to a UBS cross-border (offshore) transfer alleged siphoning of his UBS accounts without his knowledge. We also see UBS AG and its UBS USA subsidiary allegedly lie about it.  UBS fugitive form USA Justice  Chairman Raoul Weil is now being prosecuted in Ft Lauderdale, again.  USA Attorney General is said to be attempting to stifle the prosecution because UBS AG is an Obama beneficiary and controls Obama’s offshore presidential library+ foreign beneficiary money.  Let us remember,  US Attorney General Eric Holder and his prior assistant are on record as in essence giving UBS and it’s associates immunity from investigation and prosecution (see issue 1).


Daily Business Review reports: “Frank McAdam and his brother, Charles McAdam III, alleged that when McAdam died in 2003, Gunster Yoakley and JPMorgan looted their father’s $66 million estate by charging $1.8 million in unjustified fees. The brothers retained Richard Lehman, a Boca Raton, Fla., tax attorney, and Steven M. Katzman of Katzman Wasserman & Bennardini in Boca Raton to file suit in Palm Beach Circuit Court.” D4

eg 1 copy


Eunice Gardiner during the good days. Little did Eunice know she would be subject to her garden deer tick infestation coupled with alleged Joseph R Attonito threats. Everyone knew how much time Eunice spent in her garden and the accompanying vulnerability. Soon after these above series of pictures, Eunice invariably contracted Lyme tick disease. She left Easthampton for Palm Beach. Eunice was told not to come back to Easthampton and was allegedly threatened if she attended her husband’s funeral services. She abided by the threats and did not attend husband Robert Lion Gardiner’s Easthampton Funeral. Eunice would be mortified to find her body interred in perpetuity in Easthampton by allegedly Joseph R Attonito, UBS, her UBS salesman and her Gunster wills trust lawyer. That is, if it is truly her body. More ghoulish suspicions are evolving.


UBS CEO  in an interview with Registered Rep says: “We’re the largest provider of hedge funds in the world, but in the United States we’re not No. 1. And so we’re basically taking a lot of the structures, relationships and hedge fund managers, most of whom are American anyway, and then offering them now into our U.S. wealth management business.” D5  It seems UBS wants to inflict more abuse upon investors and clients. UBS CEO  and his UBS cronies just do not get it that their victims are wise to their ways.


Financial Times reports: “Last month’s SFr6bn ($5.2bn) investment in the bank by the Swiss government, and a deal to transfer toxic assets to Switzerland’s central bank, have improved sentiment. However, Mr Cryan (UBS CFO) said that if such confidence – reflected in higher values for UBS’s debt – persisted, the bank could be obliged to take a significant charge under accounting rules requiring companies to reflect the value of repurchasing their own debt in their accounts.” D6   UBS AG has XX even the citizens of Switzerland.  The Swiss taxpayer joins UBS investors as victims of UBS failed banking. The Swiss have become the world chumps for allowing UBS to intimidate their government officials.



The Bethesda Episcopal Church of Palm Beach, Florida has been a backdrop of movies and recently the Donald Trump and Michael Jordan marriages to their now wives.  It is demand because it is considered the classic old English style Church.  Eunice Gardiner loved the Church and it’s gardens as she was reminded of her early days growing up in Kent, England. Eunice made a substantial gift to the Church in her proper will/trust only to have it nullified by allegedly devious colluding greed insinuations of nearby UBS AG Bank and Gunster Yoakley. After Eunice found she had terminal ovarian cancer her UBS salesman and Gunster wills/trusts lawyer changed her name on legal from that used by her on all prior documents and with friends. Eunice’s name was changed on Palm Beach County legal documents allegedly to hide her death from the ethical like the Church and Medical entities. A nondescript plaque has been set into the ground in New York with the phony name of Eunice Joyce Gardiner. The whereabouts of Eunice’s body and her deceased husband Bobby Gardiner’s Island Family $147,000,000 estate is still a mystery.


We see the Roman based gardens on the grounds of the Church contain resting gazebos, pinnacles, statues and bridges over meandering water with coy pools abound.


Eunice would walk leisurely around and inspect the various bushes and flowers to see how they seasonally changed. Eunice frequently said it reminded her of her Easthampton gardens without the deer tick lyme disease and Joseph R Attonito fear.


Eunice mesmerized by the coy fish in the reflecting pools wandering back and forth. Eunice adamant about not being cremated since it would preclude her being buried with several of her more cherished jewelry and other items of value. Eunice realized the security of the Columbarium was a necessity.


This is the Columbarium where Eunice was to be interned. Each plaque has room for one reposed soul in perpetuity. It is a tragedy to see the elderly like Eunice consistently being diminished and their wishes nullified by the greed of those like nearby UBS AG Bank of Switzerland and Gunster Yoakley lawyers. Let us be reminded, UBS AG had been involved with Bernie Madoff in similar looting of Client assets. Many of these Clients were members of the Temple Emmanuel. How can a Church or Synagogue expose this behavior without looking tainted?


As we mentioned, Eunice had a reliquary next to her bed where she would pray intermittently. Eunice loved the idea of being interned in the Columbarium wall overlooking the well groomed gardens. Eunice gave a bequeath for the gardens and their maintenance. “I will overlook these splendid gardens I love so much.” Eunice’s wishes never cam to be and her body’s and Gardiner’s Island Family estate assets whereabouts are still mysteries.


Eunice Gardiner’s wishes were to be buried in the above Bethesda Episcopal Church Columbarium.   Bethesda has been the sought after venue for  such weddings as Donald Trump and Michael Jordan.  One can see the idillic Church setting Eunice Gardiner chose to lay reposed in perpetuity.  UBS allegedly denied Eunice this wish allegedly to keep the Episcopal Church and others  from contradicting the UBS and her UBS salesman’s dubious  Eunice Gardiner will documents in their favor.  We do not know what UBS and the other perpetrators did with Eunice Gardiner’s body.  We do know UBS is allegedly teaching other UBS salesman on allegedly how to isolate, control, dupe and loot elderly UBS Clients.  We are to use Eunice Gardiner as a standard barer for elderly defensive measures against financial predators.


Above is a frequent UBS recruitment solicitation given out to USA high net worth (HNW) elderly. This particular solicitation targets the elderly of Palm Beach, Florida area. The picture depicts the Palm Beach, Florida UBS Wealth Management sales force. One of these depicted UBS salespersons is James H Mahoney who is now living in his deceased UBS Client Eunice Gardiner’s estate. The UBS Client Eunice Gardiner’s estate was put into wife Stephanie Mahoney’s ownership after UBS and a local controversial lawyer changed UBS Client Eunice Gardiner’s official name by adding Joyce. This confused Palm Beachers because another Eunice Gardiner died in Palm Beach County approximately two months earlier. It is unknown if UBS Client victim Helga Marston’s (see issue 7) UBS Financial adviser Dennis T Melchior is in this picture.  Please not the dubious disclaimer at the bottom of the solicitation.  Scrutinizing lawyers cannot figure it out other than it is meant to confuse the recruited victims from the beginning by giving UBS  plausibility of denial for  their continuing successful schemes.


pic 1 coconutsClick to enlarge!


The Palm Beach Coconuts started as a group of single men repaying those who hosted them during the winter season parties. They were on the wane yearly using the small Colony Hotel annex for their meager event when Hanley joined the group. To survive, one member asked David Koch (upper right) to join and he astoundingly acceded. David helped change the venue to the now Flagler Museum and added fireworks. Upon David joining, several other New York philanthropists in turn followed. The Coconuts are now a group of mostly New York oriented married men who give the annual New Years party. Gunster/Hanley saw a chance to exploit Hanley’s now prestigious Coconut membership and used it in various media for commercial advertising. It depicts Daniel A Hanley’s alleged credibility by cavorting among the mostly New York cosmopolitans. Coconut Hanley is believed to be the only local Florida boy to go from local grammar school through local law school, marry a local girl, join a local law firm and become a Coconut. This is just one example of the Gunster/Hanley craving for needed credibility by allegedly intentionally converting a social groups agenda for Gunster/Hanley commercial media use. Legally, the Coconut members should have been asked if their names could be used by Gunster/Hanley for commercial advertising. The word is allegedly out within the Florida legal community that Gunster Yoakley lost it’s preeminence when the young local lawyers like Hanley took over and successfully started questionable get rich quick schemes against the elderly. All that is needed is for Florida elderly to be informed of Gunster/Hanley and UBS behavior before they become the next victims.


From information and belief, the alleged perpetrators in the looting of the Robert L and Eunice Bailey – Oaks Gardiner Island Family estate are now being sued in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. Sagtikos Manor Historical Society Inc vs. The Robert D L Gardiner Foundation Inc. Joseph R. Attonito, James H. Mahoney and Robert Watkins. Index 12-16632. The alleged swindle was allegedly initiated by local freelance lawyer Joseph R Attonito. Among other things but not necessarily all, Joseph R Attonito went into Robert L Gardiner’s bedroom deathbed with his associates. Whereupon, Joseph R Attonito thrust several wills/trusts documents in front of Bobby Gardiner to sign. These documents were attested by Joseph R Attonito’s associates. The only problem with the caper was that Robert L Gardiner had severe macular degeneration (blindness) as well as being completely deaf. Robert Lion Gardiner was incompetent to sign anything.


The Eunice Joyce Gardiner Terminating Trust                                                                               UBS Trust Company, N.A. (Netherlands Antilles) Co-Trustee                                   implemented by UBS Wealth Management June 10, 2011 (Eunice died in July 26, 2011)

Gardiner Foundation, directors:                                                                                                 Joseph R Attonito (Attonito & Ring Law)                                                                                 James H Mahoney (UBS)                                                                                                                     Robert Watkins

Gardiner Estate, executors:                                                                                                       Joseph R Attonito (Attonito & Ring Law)                                                                                     Eunice Gardiner

Trust under Gardiner’s Will, trustees:                                                                                     Joseph R Attonito (Attonito & Ring Law)                                                                                        Eunice Gardiner                                                                                                                                    On her death trustees:                                                                                                                         James H Mahoney (UBS)                                                                                                                       Daniel A Hanley (Gunster Law) as her executors

Eunice Gardiner Estate, executors:                                                                                               James H Mahoney (UBS)                                                                                                             Daniel A Hanley (Gunster Law)

Joseph R AttonitoJoseph R Attonito

Joseph R Attonito 76
Dartmouth graduate of 1963
Columbia Law School LLB

Christopher P Ring 40s
Marrietta College 1992
Nova Southeastern University 1996
March 2006 appointed Special Assistant
District Attorney, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY

Attonito & Ring
59 Landing Ave # 4
Smithstown, Suffolk County, NY 11787
Office: 516-265-6600

Attonito & Ring cozy boutique general law firm allegedly disbanded but still holds itself out as an active law firm through international media advertising.
Christopher P Ring is also on the marquee of Suffolk County Tsunis Gasparis Lustig Ring & Kenney LLC as partner.


Joseph R Attonito allegedly represented Robert L Gardiner in a series of spates with Suffolk County and other members of the Gardiner’s Island Family (Creels & Goelets). Perhaps Attonito also saw the benefits by also forming a relationship with Special Assistant District Attorney Ring (No one seems to know what this title signifies other than some specific covert activity.) when dealing with the Gardiner’s Island Family factions. Attonito acted as a pit bull to allegedly insinuate himself within Gardiner Island Family estate interests. Attonito was allegedly implicated in a Gardiner heir creation scheme. There was the Jackie Kennedy caper while a guest on Gardiner’s Island. It seems Jackie borrowed Eunice’s cigarette lighter but instead of returning it put it into her pocketbook. Robert L Gardiner saw the theft but Jackie denied it. Gardiner then gave the story to the media. Attonito was allegedly to bring a legal action against Jackie Kennedy but it seemed to have wained. Within Jackie Kennedy’ s belongings at her death was Eunice’s cigarette lighter. While Robert L Gardiner was bedridden Attonito continually entered the Gardiner Easthampton estate and rummaged around without authorization from Eunice Gardiner to do so. Attonito had a series of vitriolic disputes in asserting himself as a self appointed legal caretaker of the Gardiner’s Island Family estate. One time the Easthampton Historical Society through a town investigation found Attonito had taken an estate horse hitching post relic. Attonito and his associates are currently involved defending themselves in a similar dispute with another Long Island Historical entity. Allegedly the Suffolk County Appeals Court has been skittish in siding with the highly controversial Attonito group, even though Attonito allegedly touts his close relationship with New York State Attorney General Eric T Schneiderman.


As with other Gardiner’s Island Family members, Attonito continually threatened Eunice Gardiner. He threatened Eunice not to come from Florida to her husband’s bedside and rightfully oversee their estate assets. Attonito finally showed up at Robert Lion Gardiner’s deathbed with his alleged crony witnesses and a revised will benefiting Attonito himself in hand. Robert L Gardiner had severe macular degeneration (blind) and was completely deaf. Gardiner died August 23, 2004. Attonito allegedly threatened disclosure of a locked closet contents discovered while on one of his unauthorized rummaging, if Eunice Gardiner did not accede to his estate control. Attonito emphatically told Eunice Gardiner not to attend her husband’s Easthampton funeral services or accompanying procedures. From information and belief, other members of the Gardiner’s Island Family have been successfully threatened and fear Attonito. Eunice Bailey Oaks Gardiner died July 26, 2011. Her body disappeared while in her UBS salesman’s custody. The funeral home said the UBS salesman shipped her body allegedly to Attonito custody. Her body went ghoulishly missing for more than six months. She is allegedly under the small plaque as a Eunice Joyce Gardiner, noted above. It is unknown if her requested jewelry is buried with her alleged body. What happened to Eunice?


Soon after Robert L Gardiner’s death estate assets allegedly started disappearing, somehow. Gardiners Island Family inlayed charger plates and other heirlooms were unaccounted. In deference, there could be considerable mistake and inadvertence as to the disposition of the approximately $147,000,000 estate assets. Suffolk County and New York State officials seem to be content at the inordinately lengthy continuing procedure to finalize the Gardiner’s Island Family estate. Among other recent estate irregularities, Suffolk County and New York State suffered severe media coverage in the still unexplained similar Easthampton dispersion of the Ted Ammon estate. The estate was questionably divided up by Suffolk County Court officers at the expense of the two underage and vulnerable Ammon children. We do know that the lifestyle of Joseph R Attonito changed considerably after the Robert L Gardiner death. Joseph R Attonito purchased at least one estate at tony 9 Kennedy Drive, East Quogue, Suffolk County NY 11942. Now alleged freelance lawyer, Joseph R Attonito operates a legal office out of his estate with his interviewed lovely well treated wife Kathleen. There is also another nearby estate in a Joseph R Attonito’s name at 8 Saralins Way, East Quogue, Suffolk County, NY 11942. Attonito also has a mail drop at PO 1140, East Quogue, NY 11942. And then there is the well used Turks & Caicos estate. Let us not forget that Eunices UBS salesman moved into Eunice Gardiner’s estate with all of Eunice’s belongings intact, without any qualms. Everything was allegedly hidden under the UBS salesman wife’s name.


Find The Best non-profit organizations report: “Eunice Joyce Gardiner Charitable Foundation is a non profit trust located in Palm Beach, Florida. Charitable donations to this organization are deductible. This organization benefits philanthropy, voluntarism and grant making foundations, focusing specifically on private grant making foundations programs. It also operates under the secondary name/chapter Eunice Joyce Gardiner Ttee. The organization IRS foundation code is a private non-operating foundation, which is the usual structure for private foundations, particularly families, because it typically does not directly operate any charitable activities. The technical IRS classification for Eunice Joyce Gardiner Charitable Foundation is a charitable organization. Financial summary includes assets of $107,000,000.” From information and belief, some of the assets included are the allegedly missing offshore moneys left to Eunice by her prior husband Sir Harry Oaks younger son Pitt. Other amounts were questionably shifted from the unaccounted and allegedly looted Gardiner Island Family estate of her recent husband Robert.


From information and belief, the alleged perpetrators in the looting of the Robert L and Eunice Bailey – Oaks Gardiner Island Family estate are now being sued in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.

Sagtikos Manor Historical Society Inc
The Robert D L Gardiner Foundation Inc. Joseph R. Attonito, James H. Mahoney and Robert Watkins.
Index 12-16632.

The alleged swindle was allegedly initiated by local freelance lawyer Joseph R Attonito. Among other things but not necessarily all, Joseph R Attonito went into Robert L Gardiner’s bedroom deathbed with his associates. Whereupon, Joseph R Attonito thrust several wills/trusts documents in front of Bobby Gardiner to sign. These documents were attested by Joseph R Attonito’s associates. The only problem with the caper was that Robert L Gardiner had severe macular degeneration (blindness) as well as being completely deaf. Robert Lion Gardiner was incompetent to sign anything.


The Eunice Joyce Gardiner Terminating Trust
UBS Trust Company, N.A. (Netherlands Antilles)
Co-Trustee, implemented by UBS Wealth Management
June 10, 2011 (Eunice died in July 26, 2011)

Gardiner Foundation, directors:
Joseph R Attonito (Attonito & Ring Law)
James H Mahoney (UBS)
Robert Watkins

Gardiner Estate, executors:
Joseph R Attonito (Attonito & Ring Law)
Eunice Gardiner

Trust under Gardiner’s Will, trustees:
Joseph R Attonito (Attonito & Ring Law)

Eunice Gardiner
On her death, James H Mahoney (UBS) & Daniel A Hanley (Gunster Law) as her executors

Eunice Gardiner Estate, executors:
James H Mahoney (UBS)
Daniel A Hanley (Gunster Law)



Transparency International reports: “America now looks weak on transparency – states including Delaware, Wyoming and Nevada allow beneficial ownership to remain hidden. The US does tolerate these onshore havens, but its federal agencies have aggressively pursued Swiss and British banks. Since 2010, any bank wishing to do business with America (most banks need to deal in dollars) must disclose all US account holders to the Internal Revenue Service, under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. Unfortunately, the flow of information is one way because the US has not agreed to share information on foreign nationals holding accounts in America.  (US) Trusts are particularly controversial, because their existence is usually not recorded by any government.

Hedge funds and other collective investment schemes, many of which are also managed using offshore structures, are another favoured route. Offshore companies can be used to collect deposits from bribes or frauds and those deposits are then moved into legitimate investment schemes with a minimum of questions asked. Profits from the scheme emerge clean and can safely make their way into the ordinary retail banking system.” D-7


Letters to the Editor:

Dear Sir:
I am a broker with a competing firm to UBS.  My colleagues and I have known for some time about predatory practices of UBS but we have not been able to substantiate it for our Customers for fear they would consider us name callers.  We now only have to point them to your site.  We will spread the word and give you more info on UBS. We will drive them back to their numbered accounts in Switzerland.
NYC broker

Editor:                                                                                                                                                   My wife and I have gone to the Palm Beach County Courthouse archives and found no evidence of the Joyce middle name in years of documents signed by Eunice Gardiner before the UBS/Gunster submissions.  This clearly proves that this middle name was a creation of UBS/Gunster to facilitate the scam by changing her name from her nearby friends.  We looked at her UBS/Gunster Joyce signatures and found them incomparable to the originals.  Did any independent authority meet with or talk to Eunice about what was being done to her estate by UBS/Gunster?                                                                              Retired New York Attorney

How has the Bush and Clinton Administrations allowed this to happen? Has there been some sort of payback? Why does UBS have a “get out of jail free” card? Does UBS secretly give to presidential libraries?
Paul from Newport Beach, CA


Dear Readership:

We expect a nuisance lawsuit from UBS and/or their cronies but this will just further exacerbate their problems.   This is worrisome to transparency proponents   seeing dubious UBS tactics, especially against UBS’s own employees and Clients.   We do know UBS top officers in New York  have relentlessly been looking for our unnamed reliable UBS sources.  Blanket UBS purges have occurred.   Journalist and internet defense groups are already in place.  Media and  competitors  are just waiting for UBS  to pull a quick fix stunt within the US courts.   UBS  will not be able to stand transparency within World court of public opinion;  not after what UBS continues to do to UBS employees, clients and US taxpayers.   We must terminate the UBS Charter to do business within the US.  We cannot afford to have UBS AG Chairman Axel Weber beg before a US Congressional Committee for forgiveness, again.  These UBS criminal violations   cannot continue, especially  against  US elderly citizens.